Wednesday, June 27, 2007

When tomorrow comes without me....

When tomorrow starts without me
And I'm not there to see
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me

I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today
While thinking of the many things
We didn't get to say

I know how much you love me
As much as I love you
And each time that you think of me
I know you'll miss me too

But when tomorrow starts without me
Please try to understand
That an angel came and called my name
And took me by the hand

He said my place was ready
In heaven far above
And that I would have to leave behind
All those I dearly love

But as I turned to walk away
A tear fell from my eye
For all my life I always thought
I did not want to die

I had so much to live for
So much yet to do
It seemed almost impossible
That I was leaving you

I though of all the yesterdays
The good ones and the bad
I thought of all the love we shared
And all the fun we had

If I could relive yesterday
Just even for a while
I would say goodbye and kiss you
And maybe see you smile

But then I fully realized
That this could never be
For emptiness and memories
Would take the place of me

And when I thought of worldly things
That I might miss the come of tomorrow
I thought of you and when I did
My heart was filled with sorrow

But when I walked through heavens gates
I felt so much at home
When God looked down and smiled at me
From his great golden throne

He said "This is eternity
And all I've promised you
Today for life on earth is past
but here starts anew"

"I promise no tomorrow,
but today will always last
And since each days the same day,
there's no longing for the past"

"But you have been so faithful,
So trusting and so true
Though there were times you did some things
You know you shouldn't do"

"But you have been forgiven,
and now atlast your free
So won't you take my hand,
and share your life with me?"

So when tomorrow starts without me
Don't think we are far apaart
For everytime you think of me
I am right here in your heart

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Pour salt on funeral fires,
manequettes strung by devilish wires,
Oh, they're buried, buried, buried in stone tombs,
like fiends in unmerciful wombs,
and I am their God, their Holy; unholy; fraud.

These masquerades!
Red veins bleeding blue,
incisions etched with rusty blades,
like a faceless moon, burdened with broken tattoos.
Into distant miles felicity fades,
childhood crayons coloring me in ugly shades;
And those children, shattered memories from my past,
play as if the nous could be glassed.

So many bright, lights that cast a shadow,
where is the Sun, I don't know,
a shimmering glade putting on erotic shows;
theatrical limericks my invisible hands can't compose.
Throughout forgotten time I'm driven,
I pray to dead Gods that these Sins were forgiven.
Though this heart is not full of death and deceit,
it still feels like I'm incomplete.

Construct stop signs in dialogue
of a mouth sewed shut,
breathing faces, submerged in frozen fog,
let their tongues reveal the fifteenth cut.
Too bad that, one does not exist,
like a pretty bullet in your fist,
And treading on the edge of reason,
that looks just like the jagged lines scribbled on my wrist,
what are you doing? Looking for treason?

Here comes an undead waiter,
carrying the platters shedding my buffet, full of black sugar and sweet,
And though it seems I'm living for the greater,
I feel like I'm incomplete.
