If this is where world politics is going... I call for a Revolution... It's time that the youth of the world unite and do something to "Heal the Mother Earth". At this rate in near future humanity would completly BE wiped out.
N this is to all the Damn Leaders of the world... What has happened to Saddam, will happen to you as well.. When he cried for justice you were hidin in the shadows and watchin, but when your ass would be on fire (which would definitly be) u'd know what it feels to be Saddam.. DO NOT TRUST THE FILTHY BUSH GOVERNMENT..
Know all who can hear me, that i express grave reservations about the Bush Government and their recent outrageous actions. By any means, kanly or otherwise they must be brought to justice. I (representating my Indian Awakining Army (IIA) - whole India) is no ally of the illegal puppet colition government of Iraq nor do we acknowledge it-How dare they start playing king-king child's play n ruin the future of a nation??
Is the world still civilized or do we drown ourselves in the sea of Barbarians?
If the Nations of the world ignores this increadible tragedy, can you not see the that this can happen to any one of you?? How dare they attack another country(s) n its members assassinated overnight on a whim, and still worst is that no one believes it is wrong?? any power can crush another nation and rest of 'em will simply cover their eyes and hope it doesnt happen to you next?? When it comes to INDIA let me tell the Bush Admin that my IIA is all prepared for the worst to protect our mother land. We might be greatly outnumbered but my men n women are the one who shall fight the last battle, last man n the last round. My army might be young but it's not blind. IIA values loyalty and honour far above politics. I admonish each n everyone of you to remember Saddam Hussain. It can happen to you. Ask yourself "Whom can we really trust?".... WHOM CAN WE REALLY TRUST???????
well this was all a mockery of justice,another xample of the imperialistic n neo colonial designs of america,they didnt hang saddam for the wrongs but for his braveness n vision he had for his country,he was for united iraq n they have divided it now....whoever comes to power will have to serve american interests... for me not americans or america r 2 b hanged,it z the basic instinct of the one in power to have control on evry thing............it z better to hang the politicians of the subcontinent who cant rule their countries n r inapt....y cant muslim world make a union like european union to have one voice which will echo throughout the world n support muslim cause evry where....
Saddam`s execution was a clear act of revenge by Junior Bush. After iraq withdrew from kuwait Bush senior was attacked by iraqi inteliigence agencies, when he was on a visit to kuwait. Weapons of Mass distruction was just an alibi to attack iraq. Saddam as not many would know was a very kind person. When in jail he saved little pieces of bread to feed the birds and used to water the weeds. This side of the story is not brought forward by the US dominated media.
I am ashamed seeing Saddam being executed.... It's a real shame 2 2days world , it jst shows how the whole world is treated as Slaves to Americans...they do wht they want 2 , where as rest of the world does wrk considering others opinions 2...thts the only diff. Saddam never deserved such a brutal execution...I feel lke tearin apart my ownself....Ppl like him , are jewel to this filthy world.... Long Live Saddam, God Bless Saddam...
Views on Saddam's death The following are some quotations of views regarding Saddam Hussain's execution: Muhammad Ismail Yusanto, spokesperson of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Indonesia said: "The punishment should have been given to Saddam, because Saddam killed many Iraqi people and also members of Hizb ut-Tahrir there". But he said US President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair deserved no better. "All leaders in the world who did killings have to get the same punishment." In a press release Hizb ut-Tahrir, Britain said: Saddam Hussain may have been executed, his crimes were terrible, but the world is waiting for Bush and Blair to be brought to account for the death of over 650,000 innocent Iraqi civilians. Their illegal colonial war in Iraq has found no weapons of mass destruction, has overthrown a dictator formerly loyal to western governments, triggered sectarian conflicts formerly non-existent in Iraq, and left a trail of destruction. Saddam Hussain was supported and armed by successive Western governments and corporations. Yet, these sponsors, instead of now being punished for their complicity in his tyranny, masquerade as 'liberators' though their actions resulted in the deaths of over 650,000 Iraqis and misery worse than under any ruthless dictator. Dr Imran Waheed, media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, said, "In Iraq there is now a new tyranny - the tyranny of Bush and Blair whose hands are soaked with the blood of over 650,000 Iraqis. They have not faced justice and continue to support dictators, selling them arms, and sponsoring the oppression they mete out to their citizens. That indeed is an enormous crime.” “Saddam's trial conveniently ignored his close ties with western governments and corporations throughout his years of brutality, the weapons bought from western corporations, the support given to him in the war with Iran." "Bush and Blair, like previous leaders of the U.S. and Britain, continue their close relationships with brutal dictators in the Muslim world when it suits their interests, and will surely discard them when it suits their interests. No amount of rhetoric about displaying superior values will hide the fact that for Capitalist states, befriending tyrants, betraying tyrants and sacrificing the lives of innocents is all fair game when it comes to controlling the world's resources." The following is a poem about his death by Showkat Ali: Saddam Hussein Hanged As the ummah woke up for Eid And the hajjis were on Mount mina Beginning of a wonderful day Lots to look forward to They chose this day To slay Saddam Hussein Once he could do no wrong The man portrayed as strong Not in the deen But in carrying out orders for the west When he fought Iran To slow the Islamic revolution The west armed him to the teeth Chemical weapons, planes and all the tools of death Millions of Muslims died Nothing was achieved Except two Muslim countries weakened When he gassed his own people The west looked the other way And made more deals To sell weapons for Muslims destruction While the ummah continued to pray For a saviour First Gulf war Invasion of Kuwait Formerly part of Iraq Before the division by the colonialists Gave them an excuse to occupy Muslim land And secure the oil supplies and strategic locations Also sell out of date weapons to Arab leaders Saddam’s forces routed But Saddam strengthened Internal opposition destroyed Shias, Kurds and Islamists All put to the sword More weapons sold To the butcher of Baghdad Praised highly Given everything except a medal of honour For loyalty and sincerity to the western interests Enter the year 2000 And opposition to Bathist rule growing Tide in the Middle East is turning Islamists on the march everywhere Need for change Caliphate is the alternative America and the west scared Worst nightmare Muslim rulers no longer trusted Need for new plan Occupation Based on lies about weapons of mass destruction Democratisation Rule of the people Slogan after slogan Not working The mother of all battles has begun American dead daily Wounded uncounted 25 000 plus and rising Saddam blamed Accused of leading insurgency Hunt is on Finally captured Paraded, humiliated So much for human rights and dignity Put on trial What a show! What a farce! Judge is a Kurd Axe to grind But never mind Guilty verdict passed Appeal lost Nowhere to turn Except Allah Saddam praying Quoting the Quran and Sunnah Day of execution set Clashes with Eid But so what Kill him before he spills the beans Names, dates and meetings With US and British representatives Dead man can tell no tales Lesson for all Muslim traitors They use u and discard u Even on Eid
always admired saddam hussain cause he was the only secular muslim leader in the arab world, he also got an award from UNESCO for his effort that lead to a significant educational reform in iraq, and on the other hand he always countered islamic radicals. but you see, use of chemical weapons cannot be justified, that was so inhuman.
it was a cruel cruel thing to do ...an act that disgraces humanity ...not that the man was any better ..but still..he shud have been let to live , but as a prisoner to serve a life sentence....
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