THIS IS IN defence of Orkut, which has been facing flak for its misuse by the users. Hey, come on stop now! What is Orkut? Isn’t it just a technology that allows you to network — freely? It’s just that. Nothing more or less. How it’s used is entirely the user’s prerogative.
If somebody is morally so offended, the best option for the person is to stop using it. Who is forcing anybody? Orkut certainly is not only for the moral daddy’s. What one doesn’t like, others may like. It’s their choice. If you can’t handle the technology, then bloody don’t use it. No one forces anyone to post personal profile on orkut. If someone posts his/her personal information, that is because the person wants everyone to know about him/her. I don’t see anything wrong here even if there is a bit of exhibitionism here. Because it’s willing and harmless, who are others to take offence? If you do not like, mind your own business and switch off — without spoiling the happiness of others. Who, in any case, are you to set moral standards? Let the users decide what they want. Leave the users alone; they will sort it out.

Like with any technology, it, too, can certainly be misused. Yes, it’s right what some guys have done is really pathetic. I can give names of at least 30 Orkut users who have done the same thing — posted their profile with picture of some of their good-looking friends and incidentally all of them are girls. There are also some desperate women who have done the same. If I am sounding like a male chauvinist, then so be it. But the fact is, this is what happens. Whatever, Orkut cannot be blamed and no efforts should be made to censure it. It has provided the tools to a user to either make it visible to everybody, select friends or to no one but self. The freedom of choice is inbuilt. The user decides how to use it, not Orkut. And there are all kinds of people. And they will remain always — with or without Orkut.

I think all this hue and cry against Orkut not being safe is just too much of gibberish. Frankly, some people should think less and should not have any misconceptions in life and, above all, try to be more positive. The most funny aspect of all this is that it is Orkut that is being used to spread the message that Orkut is not safe!
Come to me when someone gets raped or killed because of Orkut. Till then shutup. It’s all a nonsense. There are more crimes happening without such networkings. Go and stop them first. Was Jessica Lal murdered because somebody had found her to be too hot on Orkut? Nonsense. You will hear more of these moral qualms from the hypocrites.
Viral Thaker
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