I CAME ACROSS an article that says a person deleted his Orkut account because someone had put an offensive remark in his account scrap. Is running away the solution to such problems?
Variety is the spice of life. “Offensive material” is a very subjective term. If one has to rank on the scale of 1-10, some may not find it offensive at all and say that it is a part of life. If one surfs through Orkut, he will find some communities that are full of very offensive adult material including pictures and discussions about sex. You can also find nymphomaniacs, dirty sex stories, and all one can think off.

I do agree one should be very refined in his/her conversations but I do not agree that one should stop or censor Orkut. It is an open community for all. It has various communities to join. Join whichever you like and leave the rest as it is for the others rather then cursing or trying to censor them. If you have read the terms and conditions of Orkut then you have agreed that you are an adult. So, face the world and stop hiding in yours mama’s lap.
Moreover, we live in a world where people tease you while walking down the street. Does that mean you need to fly to Mars. No one will be there 24/7 to be your guardian in this world; one will have to be his/her own guardian. Accept it and be strong to face the real world. Life is not a bed of roses; it comes along with thorns.
Many will not anticipate my opinion but try to see this world in the real form rather than expecting someone to monitor it for you. I also want this world to be a better place to live in and that clean thoughts prevail.
Viral Thaker
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