How can a man who thinks himself as God, trust in a Superpower above him????
Saddam died as a fighter... A true Hero... he had no fear of death when he was dying...
Look at the Photos below, do you see any fear of death in his eyes:

Saddam knew he was right and so he did not fear death... Today Saddam as a person is dead.. but Saddam as a thought has become more powerful... Bush thinks he's a Hero... I say my Foot. With this action Anti-U.S feeling have increased and soon Bush would die the worst death. Those of you who would see the Video of Saddam's Execution would agree to me. I would like to ring the bell in Bush's Ears and remind him the U.S Official Motto: "IN GOD WE TRUST"
- Viral Thaker
kindly send in your feedback on vrlthaker@gmail.com
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